Andrew McClary was the producer, director, cameraman, and editor for Car Show Television, a half hour television series that ran weekly in South Florida and 10 other markets between 2013 and 2017. The show also had one of the first Roku television channels. Andrew and his partner Alex Berry produced 53 half hour episodes and numerous “webisodes” for the show before Andrew had to step down to care for his youngest son who was diagnosed with cancer in 2016. He tried to produce a few more episodes but taking care of his son became a full time job for the family. Besides co-hosting the show, Andrew was the designer for all of the shows graphics and animations including logo, show opens, and marketing materials. The show was produced with a run and gun news style with a small crew at live car events all over the country. After shooting the shows over the weekend with Alex, Andrew would spend the next 3 days editing together all the material for the show to air.


The show open for Car Show TV was created by Andrew McClary in Adobe After Effects. Andrew also designed the show logo and was responsible for all the branding for the show.

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